11. “让-皮埃尔·丹坦(1800-1869),雕塑家,亚历克西斯·约瑟夫·佩里尼翁(Alexis Joseph Pérignon)塑造佩里尼翁半身像 高清作品[89%]

JeanPierre Dantan (18001869), sculpteur, modelant le buste de Pérignon-

图片文件尺寸 : 2367 x 2968px

“让-皮埃尔·丹坦(1800-1869),雕塑家,亚历克西斯·约瑟夫·佩里尼翁(Alexis Joseph Pérignon)塑造佩里尼翁半身像-Alexis-Joseph Pérignon

JeanPierre Dantan (18001869), sculpteur, modelant le buste de Pérignon--Alexis-Joseph Pérignon (法国, 1806 - 1882)

下载“让-皮埃尔·丹坦(1800-1869),雕塑家,亚历克西斯·约瑟夫·佩里尼翁(Alexis Joseph Pérignon)塑造佩里尼翁半身像大图

12. “米特拉于1653年由费多尔·格里戈里耶维奇·索伦采夫(Fedor Grigoryevich Solntsev)塑造,送给沙皇亚历克斯·米哈伊洛维奇(Alex Mikhailovich)和沙皇玛丽·伊尔(Marie Il’inichnoi)族长尼科(Nico) 高清作品[86%]

Mitra ili shapka, podarennaia tsarem Alekseem Mikhailovichem i tsaritseiu Marieiu Ilinichnoiu patriarkhu Nikonu, v 1653 godu-

图片文件尺寸 : 4121 x 6115px

“米特拉于1653年由费多尔·格里戈里耶维奇·索伦采夫(Fedor Grigoryevich Solntsev)塑造,送给沙皇亚历克斯·米哈伊洛维奇(Alex Mikhailovich)和沙皇玛丽·伊尔(Marie Il’inichnoi)族长尼科(Nico)-Fedor Grigoryevich Solntsev

Mitra ili shapka, podarennaia tsarem Alekseem Mikhailovichem i tsaritseiu Marieiu Ilinichnoiu patriarkhu Nikonu, v 1653 godu--Fedor Grigoryevich Solntsev (俄罗斯, 1801 – 1892)

下载“米特拉于1653年由费多尔·格里戈里耶维奇·索伦采夫(Fedor Grigoryevich Solntsev)塑造,送给沙皇亚历克斯·米哈伊洛维奇(Alex Mikhailovich)和沙皇玛丽·伊尔(Marie Il’inichnoi)族长尼科(Nico)大图

13. “米特拉于1652年由费多尔·格里戈里耶维奇·索伦采夫(Fedor Grigoryevich Solntsev)塑造,送给沙皇亚历克斯·米哈伊洛维奇(Alex Mikhailovich)和沙皇玛丽·伊尔(Marie Il’inichnoi)族长尼康(Nikon) 高清作品[86%]

Mitra ili shapka, podarennaia tsarem Alekseem Mikhailovichem i tsaritseiu Marieiu Ilinichnoiu patriarkhu Nikonu, v 1652 godu-

图片文件尺寸 : 4336 x 6427px

“米特拉于1652年由费多尔·格里戈里耶维奇·索伦采夫(Fedor Grigoryevich Solntsev)塑造,送给沙皇亚历克斯·米哈伊洛维奇(Alex Mikhailovich)和沙皇玛丽·伊尔(Marie Il’inichnoi)族长尼康(Nikon)-Fedor Grigoryevich Solntsev

Mitra ili shapka, podarennaia tsarem Alekseem Mikhailovichem i tsaritseiu Marieiu Ilinichnoiu patriarkhu Nikonu, v 1652 godu--Fedor Grigoryevich Solntsev (俄罗斯, 1801 – 1892)

下载“米特拉于1652年由费多尔·格里戈里耶维奇·索伦采夫(Fedor Grigoryevich Solntsev)塑造,送给沙皇亚历克斯·米哈伊洛维奇(Alex Mikhailovich)和沙皇玛丽·伊尔(Marie Il’inichnoi)族长尼康(Nikon)大图

14. 让-皮埃尔·丹坦(1800-1869),在他的工作室里,弗朗索瓦·加布里埃尔·纪尧姆·莱保尔(François Gabriel Guillaume Lépaulle)塑造了莱保尔的半身像 高清作品[86%]

JeanPierre Dantan (18001869), dans son atelier, modelant le buste de Lépaulle-

图片文件尺寸 : 3732 x 4493px

让-皮埃尔·丹坦(1800-1869),在他的工作室里,弗朗索瓦·加布里埃尔·纪尧姆·莱保尔(François Gabriel Guillaume Lépaulle)塑造了莱保尔的半身像-François-Gabriel-Guillaume Lépaulle

JeanPierre Dantan (18001869), dans son atelier, modelant le buste de Lépaulle--François-Gabriel-Guillaume Lépaulle (法国, 1804-1886)

下载让-皮埃尔·丹坦(1800-1869),在他的工作室里,弗朗索瓦·加布里埃尔·纪尧姆·莱保尔(François Gabriel Guillaume Lépaulle)塑造了莱保尔的半身像大图

15. 行政卡有限。 奥地利大公查尔斯在西班牙王位继承战争中塑造了自己的西班牙查理三世, 高清作品[66%]

Rare patent of nobility issued by Archduke Charles of Austria , fashioning himself Charles III of Spain during the War of the Spanish Succession ,

图片文件尺寸 : 4726 x 4820px

ILLUMINATED CARTA EXECUTORIA.:Rare patent of nobility issued by Archduke Charles of Austria (later Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor), fashioning himself Charles III of Spain during the War of the Spanish Succession (1701–1714), conveying the title of Marquess of Callus (in Catalonia) upon Don Jaime Vicente Alamany Descallar, manuscript on vellum, text in Latin, 1711, 290 x 200 mm, 8 leaves bound as a single quire of 4 bifolia.
Collation: i8, the first leaf treated as a blank flyleaf. 22-26 long lines written in brown ink in italic script with one-line roman capitals; headings in larger capitals on ff. 2r-2v; written area: 215 x 125 mm. All text pages decorated with full borders containing delicate brown ink drawings. F. 2r with a cartouche depicting the king on a rearing horse firing a pistol, surmounted by a crown, below him a globe held by two putti and inscribed \"America\", below that the words NOS CAROLUS in a cartouche, all flanked by personifications of the church and the state and other motifs. On f. 2v the continuation of the text continues under a round seal stamped in in black ink, containing a coat of arms, and inscribed: CAROLUS III DEI GRATIA HISPANIARUM ET INDIARUM REX. Borders of ff. 2v-6v filled with vedute, vignettes, putti, cartouches, and various flourishes similar to those found in engraved writing-master books of the period. F. 7r with the last lines of the text and several notarial attestations. F. 7v blank. F. 8r with a large colored coat of arms surrounded by colored arabesque flourishes. F. 8v blank. Binding of later red velvet over pasteboards (worn) with remains of two monkeys-fist closures of woven silk, red silk doublures and single red silk flyleaves front and back, remains of a braided silk cord intended to attach the seal and a circular depression inside the back cover intended to hold the seal (seal missing).

RARE PATENT OF NOBILITY OF \"CHARLES III\" DURING HIS EMBATTLED CLAIM TO THE SPANISH THRONE. On the death of his Hapsburg relative King Charles II of Spain (1661-1700) without a direct heir, Archduke Charles of Austria declared himself the King of Spain, thus occasioning the War of the Spanish Succession, which pitted him against a rival candidate, Philip, Duke of Anjou, grandson of Louis XIV, and a distant cousin of the Archduke. In 1711, when his brother, the Holy Roman Emperor Joseph I, died the Archduke returned to Vienna to assume the imperial crown, while Philip was eventually recognized as King Philip V of Spain. During his brief time as claimant to the Spanish throne, Charles never extended his sphere of influence beyond Catalonia and lived there only from 1705 to 1711.

行政卡有限。 奥地利大公查尔斯在西班牙王位继承战争中塑造了自己的西班牙查理三世,

下载行政卡有限。 奥地利大公查尔斯在西班牙王位继承战争中塑造了自己的西班牙查理三世,大图